The non-family executives in my opinion are one of the best involved in the route of growth for the family business reason being their ability to make decisions solely based on the benefits of the company, and its future growth. Where the family decisions are biased due to the involvement of emotions, values, and bonding with different members the non-family executives are only focused on making the decisions for increasing profit. And as the power still lies within the family these executives can be eliminated if not providing the promised results. As mentioned by Craig, thebalance between tradition and change is the right path towards growth which can be adapted via the involvement of non-family executives and de-centralizing the authoritywhich will help in connecting with the workers better and as well in maintaining operations more formally.
The appointment of non-family executives can as well provide an insight on the development needs which earlier could have been neglected due to the incompetent governance. The unfiltered advice can show the areas of business that are weak and need development. The advisory can as well help in eliminating the conflict of favoritism from the family as it altogether removes the un-professional views.