Tagiuri and Davis article explains that when family members in the family firm have simultaneous role, family- related matters get mixed up with major decision made in the business. For example, when a family member in the business has the role of a CEO, wife and mother, she may be prone to making decisions that intertwine with family issues and this may negatively impact the business. This may impact how staffs are treated in the firm and it may also affect what kind of behaviour is accepted in their working environment.
In my opinion, family-controlled enterprises can sometimes be miss or hit situation. If family members understand that in a business environment, domestic issues should be left in the home and not brought to work then sustainability in the business can be guaranteed in the long run. Realistically, most family enterprise participate in the ownership/management setting in their firms because it reduces operational cost for the business but this can also be a bad idea because the family firm may be vulnerable to challenges like conflict resolutions, boundary problems, work-life balance, innovative growth, etc.
source: https://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/f/family_businesses.asp