This image is I think the best suited metaphore to describe my perception of familly business. As the Pentagone is a US national insitution, one could expect from it clear transparency, at some minimal extends at least, but the reality is closer to total opacity than clear communication. The untolds, the taboos, the hidden messages, and intentions, are such, that it breaks without realizing it, next generation performances before it even tries. Inside a familly buisiness, transparent and efficient comunication is vitale, and allows security in developpement.

@S24012870 Yassine B Your metaphor highlights a strong tension in family businesses—expectation versus reality in transparency. The idea of hidden messages and taboos shaping next-generation performance is powerful. You could strengthen your post by linking this insight to real-world examples or research on communication failures in family firms. Adding a reference or case study would ground your argument and make it more compelling. Great reflection on the importance of open communication for business sustainability!