Since its founding 30 years ago, the company TechnoAlpin has remained in the hands of its two founders. Since 1990, the company has been led by its two shareholders, who control 50 percent and 50 percent of TechnoAlpin Holding, respectively. The company's two leaders are the owners; in terms of general decisions, one of the owners serves as the CEO, and the other is in charge of the engineering development. Furthermore, the company has 16 subsidiaries, each with its own CEO who is not related to the company's founders.
The CFO, who is based in the companys hedquarter in Italy, is likewise not a member of the family.
The organization has had firsthand experience with cousin collaboration, which has proven to be both interesting and fruitful. One of my own cousins has studied and lived in Beijing, China for over ten years, and as a result, has overtaken the Chinese subsidiary, which began with three employees and has grown to more than 60, as well as opening TechnoALpin Holding's own production facility in China. This has proven to be very successful, as TechnoAlpin Holding was able to supply the whole Chinese Winter Olympics in 2022, in every wintersports category, including skiing and skating, with its own production plant in China.
Greta share; predominantly descriptive. How have you adopted this to the models of stages of family business growth? Synthesis the core tensions, problems and issues that the above dynamics create?