why have you classified as a family business?
A family-owned business may be defined as any business in which two or more family members are involved and the majority of ownership or control lies within a family. Family-owned businesses may be the oldest form of business organization. Similarly this business is owned. by a father and son who control majority of the ownership and authority of the company.
history: why was it brought into existence?
it was found in 2006
In residential market Affordable housing was the new concept before 15 years and was demanding in the market so he continued doing it and also went through in the commercial market of shopping grid complex, malls which was very demanding
Now targeting for the data centres in the IT market for renting purpose.
what are the advantages and disadvantages of this today in your family business?
Working with family members can have many perks. They’re people you can trust to have the company’s best interests in mind and when you find success, you can share it with the people you value most. It has practical value if one family member falls ill, someone else can help pick up the slack
working with family can have some challenges, particularly in the real estate business. Differences of opinion, sibling rivalries and financial stressors can damage both your careers and your relationships.