Week 1
1. Why have you opted for a course in family business management? Are you part of a family business? Tell us a little about it.
- Because as I come from a business family It will help me lean about business more and hopefully grow it more .
- My family owns and manages several companies which are mainly focused Mining , Government tenders and hotels. It was started by by grand father and it is now managed by my family.

2. What business benefits might accrue to the business from you enrolling in this family business module?
The theoretical concepts combined with practical knowledge will make me acquainted with modern ways of sustaining in business. Enrolling in the family business module will allow me to go through the case studies of many successful business people and how they have been working for generations and making a good living. The course will also groom me with all possible credentials to optimize family run business and how I can run it smoothly taking in factor both family and the business

3. How can you contribute to learning about family businesses?
As I am learning family business management course I can add some new strategies and some new plans which might help my family business more smothly .