In this paradox, a three-circle model for family business strategy is being suggested. The three-circle model is an excellent way to identify the family business systems, and with this, the model helps to identify the issues in the family business. And the model helps in providing remedies to solve the problems evolved and find out the reason why the issue has occurred (Salvato et al. 2019). Having a proper strategy or plan to take forward the family business is very important for a successful business. When a newer generation joins a family business, many issues occur, such as generation gap or the burden to include family members or pressure and tension make the company more successful. Thus having proper framing of the family business is essential.

I agree with your view and can completely relate to your perception regarding the generation gap and the burden of involving family members. Though I believe that the involvement of the family members must the base oncapability and talent and not just based on the bond or family ties. The key is to draw a line between family relationships and business relationships which can contribute greatly to a fluent working system. The 3-circle model however can notdirectly contribute to the maintenance of the involvement and maintenance of power but it helps in understanding the distribution of the roles which can be considered while involving distant members in the business.