How and why did you choose that specific advisory role: (i) counselling & mediating, (ii) facilitating & consulting, (iii) mentoring & coaching? For which issues?
i) As my fathers siblings did grow up with him building the family business and watched him closly, and also in the close family of my father there have been diverse contraversarys among my family. Therfore i coose this type of advice for my family business. Board memebrs, are not only fmily memebrs, but for example also silent sharholders, without mentioning the name, are involved in the boar5dmeetings and would need personal guidance. The biggest issues, is that not each board member is personally involved in the business or even activly involved in the business and therfore have difficulties to see whats best for the company. Event tho they have outside imput, which can be helpful for members whom are activly operating in the business. I belive therfore that only professional third parites can amke them, understand the seriousness of thems decisions made.
ii) I chose this advisopry methode as I belive, the business has grwon immensly in the past couple of years. And every business that has gained this quickly in size and employees , it is favorable to hacve third parties faciliating and consulting which also includes finacial processing. Third parites mentors can advice on problems or issues the company has grown to quickly to realize, and has maybe seen similar patterns in other companies. This will help the business to be stable in such an immense grwoth phase.
I completely agree with the growth counseling and meditation can provide to the company, just the initialization of the process in my family business will be the hardest part. The professional support will contribute greatly to the growth and will help my future vision for the business. And as of the coordination of board members the outer-executives can be involved extensively to improve understanding of opertions, doing so will help the board members in understanding their roles and as well in working with more responsibility.