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Forum Posts

Ilya Gut
Feb 24, 2024
In Paradox3: Stages & Tensions
What key challenges and problems your family, ownership and management faces? One of the challenges every business and especially - family business faces is nepotism. In many cultures, it is the norm and even the goal to support relatives and friends through the provision of jobs and accelerated career advancement. But sometimes it can be challenging. However, at a certain point in time, disagreements arose in my company. The introduction of a new digital system for accounting and warehouse database systems required changes not only in technical but also in the minds of employees. Some considered it possible to deliberately or due to character and age to hinder this process. The question arose: development with the times or maintaining good relationships. I would like to note that such problems often occur in family businesses, which can be seen in the articles, an example in the link below: Jaskiewicz, P., Uhlenbruck, K., Balkin, D. B., & Reay, T. (2013). Is Nepotism Good or Bad? Types of Nepotism and Implications for Knowledge Management. Family Business Review, 26(2), 121-139.
Week 2 content media
Ilya Gut
Feb 24, 2024
In Paradox3: Stages & Tensions
Conflicts and paradoxes that occur across and within family business stages and cycles. The company's founders have a high standard of demands for their children compared to other employees. On the other hand, company employees are biased towards the second and subsequent generations of owners and their relatives who came to the company. Finding yourself between two fires - this paradox always leads to conflict. Alderson, K. (2015), "Conflict management and resolution in family-owned businesses: A practitioner focused review", Journal of Family Business Management, Vol. 5 No. 2, pp. 140-156.
Week 3  content media
Ilya Gut
Feb 23, 2024
In Paradox 5: Board & Performance
How would you describe the financial performance of your family business? Whenever your family business is successful and has more than one strategy decision-maker- this challenge appears: To invest in business development (impact in future) or to choose instant personal income growth (instant benefit)..
Week 5 content media
Ilya Gut
Feb 23, 2024
In Paradox4: Health as Culture
Family purpose and business values and their significance As I said in the lecture- supportiveness and care are a part of the culture of our family business. Employees feel the support they can get in a difficult situation. This can also have a negative effect - both in shifting responsibility for solving personal problems to the company and in strong dependence on the personal participation of the owners in the life of the company.
Week 4  content media

Ilya Gut


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